Bulletin Special Series: Through the Lens - Episode #3 - International Cooperation as a Solution to Tackle Organ Trafficking and Trafficking of Persons for Organ Removal

Pau Palop-Garcia
The Bulletin Podcast

This is a Bulletin special series: Through the Lens, a podcast series analyzing global issues through the lens of the United Nations.

Join us as we explore the United Nations, its mission, and its future. In each episode, we will pick apart a resolution passed by the 75th General Assembly and find out what is going on in our world, how the pre-eminent international body is seeking to address mounting conflicts and dilemmas, and what challenges remain.

About this episode

Organ trafficking continues to rise as a desperate measure to deal with the global organ shortage, long waiting period, and uncertainty of patients getting transplants on time. The perpetrators realizing the high demand and urgency, exploit vulnerable people in the society to give their organs for money or even kidnap them to remove the organs without their consent. In this episode, the conversation is on how international cooperation can be a solution for crimes of organ trafficking and trafficking of persons for organ removal. We consider what the United Nations is doing to strengthen the national and international cooperation of member states towards solving this global issue and other possible recommendations that can hasten the pace of positive change. Also, we invited a special guest with field experience to share her insights with us. Listen and join the conversation!

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About the special series

This podcast special series is a result of the class "Analyzing Global Issues through the Lens of the United Nations: A Podcast" held by Dr. Pau Palop-Garcia at the Brandt School.

Dr. Palop-Garcia is a Research Fellow at the Brandt School since 2021. You can find more about him here.

About the authors

This episode was written and produced by Brandt School students Aulia and Oluwatosin Adeagbo.

~ The views represented in this blog post do not necessarily represent those of the Brandt School. ~