From Mexico City to Erfurt: My international exchange at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

Brandt School Life
Daniel am Domplatz


Hi! My name is Daniel Hurtado. I am pursuing a master's degree in political science at El Colegio de México (Colmex). I participated in an international exchange at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt during the winter semester of 2024/25. It all started because I've been learning German in recent years. I have been meaning to pursue a semester abroad that could also provide me an opportunity to practice the German language and learn about the culture. Thanks to the cooperation agreement between the University of Erfurt and Colmex, the Willy Brandt School became my ideal choice to fulfill my dream. In June 2024 I received my admission letter, and knew that a great experience was about to begin. 

Arrival in Erfurt and First Impressions

First, Erfurt is an excellent city to study in: its small size, good services and efficient local transportation as well as its green and peaceful environment make it easier to advance in your studies. At the same time, there are plenty of cultural and social activities such as cafes, bars, theaters and parks to spend some time with friends. Last but not least, its long history and the medieval architecture make Erfurt an interesting and beautiful place to live (I still can't believe how charming the Altstadt—the city center—is). Also, it is recommended to have some knowledge of the German language for most situations: shopping, bureaucracy, tourism and daily activities. I must mention that the University of Erfurt offers an intensive German course for all exchange and local students free of cost, which is of great help.

Experience at the University of Erfurt

The University of Erfurt, especially the International Office team, puts in a lot of effort to make you feel welcome and help you adapt. The university has a buddy program that connects Erfurt students/alumni with international students to offer guidance and help regarding the city and university life, as well as anything one might need. I obviously opted for the program and can highly recommend it. What I found extremely helpful, which is not the case with every university, was that the University of Erfurt helps you to find accommodation through its department called Studierendenwerk, which offers affordable students housing on and off campus. The university also organizes several activities to promote student engagement and networking, as well as tours through the city and to other places in Germany. As the university has an international background, this is a very good way to connect with people from all around the world. 

The Brandt School Experience 

The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy is an internationally recognized institution in teaching and research on public policy issues. Its staff is highly qualified and mentors students on different research topics. Regarding the courses, the Brandt School offers many advantages: the language of instruction is English, students come from different countries which creates a multicultural learning environment, professors invite professionals in the field, and courses are held in modern and well-equipped facilities. I chose the courses Public Administration and Finance and Advanced Methods. In the first course, we learned how to analyze public institutions using budgets, organizational structures and human resource management. I liked the dynamic of the course because the professor encouraged an interesting discussion about topics. He also invited guest speakers so we could learn more about specific cases more in-depth, and he was always open to engage in discussions. In the second course, I was able to strengthen my knowledge about research methodology and to exchange ideas with colleagues about their research topics and how to approach those. The course also helped me to refine details of my master's thesis.

I am very grateful to my home university El Colegio de México for providing me this opportunity to live this experience, which was so rich for my personal and professional growth. I am also thankful to the University of Erfurt, and in particular the Brandt School, which I strongly recommend students attend for the MPP program and take full advantage of what the institution has to offer. Just remember that whenever it gets cold in the winter you can go to the Christmas markets and enjoy a hot beverage! 

About the Author

Daniel Hurtado at the university entrance

Daniel Hurtado Yépiz is pursuing a master's degree in political science at El Colegio de México (Colmex). He participated in an international exchange at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt during the winter semester of 2024/25. 


~ The views represented in this blog post do not necessarily represent those of the Brandt School. ~

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Drive Change. Shape Policy. Lead Globally  – with the Master of Public Policy of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt.

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