Increasing data literacy in Erfurt through the Data Know-How project

Lara Schüth
María José Quirola
Brandt School Life
Data know how team

In Erfurt a transformative initiative is happening - Data Know How. The project, led by second-year MPP students Calep Pimienta, Lara Schüth, María José Quirola and Susana Rodríguez, and member of the Erfurt community Carla Molteni, emerged from a shared vision for social inclusion and community building. The aim is to empower young migrants through data literacy, to create a positive impact on our local community. The project received a grant from the European Solidarity Corps, which funds young people trying to make a difference in their communities through innovative initiatives. The Data Know How team first came together in the winter of last year and began discussing barriers young people, especially migrants, face when it comes to labor market integration and integration in general in Germany. The team found that many job postings required certain technical skills, and decided to apply for funding to create a series of workshops providing intro-level knowledge to many of these platforms. The group received funding the following spring and began doing networking events to promote future workshops. In August, an introductory event was held, at which participants were able to give input on what software they would be interested in learning about in workshops. Using the information gathered at this event, the Data Know How team created a calendar of workshops and began consulting with individuals with knowledge of the software.

Our Vision 

The Data Know How project targets motivated young individuals aged 18 to 30 facing integration challenges in Erfurt. Through practical workshops, networking events, and social activities, we aim to empower young migrants, create opportunities, and strengthen community bonds.

data know how workshop

Some of the activities of the project include:

  • Workshops for Skill Development

Data analysis and visualization workshops conducted in English, German, or Spanish to provide practical skills for professional opportunities. Workshops have been held on a range of data analysis tools, including Excel, QGis, and MaxQDA. In the fall, Data Know How collaborated with Casa de las Americas to put on a workshop on Excel in Spanish. There have also been workshops on finding jobs and internships in Erfurt and Thuringia, as well as one on how to apply for the European Solidarity Corps funding to help get other projects off the ground. Coming up, the Data Know How project is planning workshops on using Tableau and Stata, as well as a follow-up on QGis. Non-formal education principles are used, creating an environment of critical thinking and peer-to-peer learning.

  • Networking Events:

Collaborative events with local organizations like SpracheCafe, CGE, Fairly Fair, and others will provide networking opportunities and information about micro-funding projects, internships, and volunteering opportunities. These networking events will be happening this spring as the project begins to wind down, to ensure that people who have been attending the workshops remain well connected in the Erfurt community and informed of other opportunities and initiatives available to them in the city.

  • Social Activities:

Social activities are also a very important aspect of the project. Activities such as picnics, intercultural evenings, and game nights are planned throughout the next few months. These activities will facilitate networking and strengthen connections among young migrants, local organizations, and the community.

The Data Know How team would like to invite everyone in Erfurt to be part of Data Know How! Whether you're a young migrant, a local resident, or simply passionate about building a more inclusive community, join us at our workshops and events. Keep an eye on our social media for updates on schedules and activities.

For more information about the Data Know How project follow them on LinkedIn or Instagram.

About the Authors

Lara Schüth

Lara Schüth is a MPP student at the Willy Brandt School. She has a Bachelor's Degree in History and Sociology from the University of Minnesota — Twin Cities and worked in the non-profit sector in the United States for several years. Her interests include youth civic participation, political education, and environmental justice.

María José Quirola

María José Quirola is a master’s student at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations with minors in Sociology and Political Science. Her work experience focuses on communicational and administrative work ON refugee and migration affairs. Her interests are cross-cultural communication, migration, gender, and integration.

More information

Understanding politics, managing crises and shaping transformation – with the Master of Public Policy of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt.

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