Welcome our ‘Brandt’ New Team of the Bulletin Committees 2022/2023!

The Bulletin Podcast Committee 2022/2023

The Bulletin Committees for blog and podcast 2022/2023 are ready! Just like the Brandt School, they are team with compassion and diversity, eager to feature policies that are overlooked, and view the world from a more balanced perspective. Let’s listen to their stories and visions!

The Bulletin Blog Committee 2022/2023
We are the Bulletin Blog Committee 2022/2023!

From the right: Alyssa McIntyre, Shreesh Karmarkar, Lara Schueth, Patricia María-Fernanda Caparó Beltrán, Sayed Ziafatullah Saeedi, Neha Singh and Nancy Apraez Toro (not in the photo).

‘To me, the WBS has a unique perspective and it’s important we show this. We have a hugely diverse cohort and this creates some great work where people from different regions can combine their knowledge and let amazing synergies occur! I am looking forward to highlighting matters which often are not given a platform and helping show the amazing ideas and discussions we are having in the WBS. ’
Alyssa McIntyre, first-year from Australia


‘I am a first-year student at the WBS, I have a bachelor’s in political science and the process of public policy inherently interests me. Joining the Bulletin is something important for me because it becomes the one place where the students of WBS can present their ideas to the wider world!’
Shreesh Karmarkar, first-year from India

‘I am a first-year student at the WBS from the United States. I have a bachelor's degree in history and sociology, and have experience working in the public sector and the nonprofit sector. I’m excited to work with my fellow classmates on the bulletin and podcast! I think it’s exciting to have a space for students to write and publish articles about various topics and gain experience writing about current events and policies. The WBS is a diverse group of students interested in shaping policy, and it’s important to have a space for students to be able to showcase the work they’ve done or write about current events happening in their countries. I am looking forward to working with my fellow students on the bulletin and getting to read articles written by my peers. It is a unique opportunity to showcase issues and have discussions on a variety of events happening around the world. I am also excited to write some articles myself.’
Lara Schüth, first-year from the United States

‘As a first-year student of the Willy Brandt School, I see the Bulletin as a perfect environment to grow as an academic and policy practitioner through the interaction with my peers from different countries, backgrounds and with different interests. I am looking forward to researching more about the policy field and its relation with human rights, which is my main focus, in both the world and my region, Latin America.’
María-Fernanda Caparó Beltrán, first-year from Peru


‘I am a fellow at the American Middle Eastern Network for Dialogue at Stanford.  I hold a B.A. in political science and public administration, and have worked in anti-corruption and rule of law. My areas of interest are institution building, state fragility and state building.

My articles can be found in the Diplomat Magazine, the Afghan Institute of Strategic Studies and the Globe Post. Now as a policy student, I will take a deeper look at trending public issues, and the policy process. Also, I would like to make use of this platform to write about the current issues of in-conflict and post-conflict contexts, especially Afghanistan.’
Sayed Ziafatullah Saeedi, first-year from Afghanistan


'In the mainstream media, my region usually does not make it to the spotlight. I was thrilled to join the bulletin team to help regions like mine get their time to shine, for the policy world to be aware of. Being in Willy Brandt School, I am learning so much about the reality and perspectives of regions all across the world. I look forward to sharing them with the bulletin.'
Neha Singh, first-year from Thailand


‘I am a first-year student at the Willy Brandt School. I have a bachelor’s degree in law. I have worked in the legislative branch, but I am interested in working in the executive, therefore I am doing my master’s. I think it is important to address diverse issues that come from our different backgrounds and interests. Also, I want to gain communication skills and facilitate communication among the student community about relevant topics. ‘
Nancy Apraez Toro, first-year from Colombia

We are the Bulletin Podcast Committee 2022/2023!
We are the Bulletin Podcast Committee 2022/2023!

From the right: María José Quirola, Shreesh Karmarkar, Nancy Apraez Toro, Noor Alam, Smriti Rai, Alyssa McIntyre and Novita Dwi Andari, and Lara Schueth (not in the photo).


‘In the era of mass communication, creating quality content is revolutionary. My goal as a member of the podcast committee is to learn how to make diverse experiences and current affairs accessible for all our WBS community and, of course, for everyone who believes in the power of storytelling in the public policy field.’
María José Quirola, first-year from Ecuador


‘I joined the podcast because I wish to hone my skills in the form of audio editing and get to know how is it that a different perspective affects the view of politics/policy. I am looking forward to doing literally anything that comes my way.’
Shreesh Karmarkar, first-year from India


‘I enjoy listening to Podcast myself. I think that talking to experts in an interactive way helps us learn deeply about an academic topic, which is useful for podcast makers and also for the audience. I am excited to feature some issues from Latin America!‘
Nancy Apraez Toro, first-year from Colombia


’I joined the Bulletin Podcast team because I want to make policy problems more accessible for all while learning about a diverse range of topics and conversing with experts and practitioners on these topics for a more nuanced take on our most pressing world issues’
Noor Alam, second-year from Pakistan

‘I enjoy interacting with new people and learning their perspectives. That's why I decided to join the Bulletin Podcast. At first, it was difficult to come out of my comfort zone but so far it has been a good experience due to my amazing podcast friends: Jesus, Noor and Guillherme. And I am happy to work together with the new batch!‘
Smriti Rai, second-year from Nepal


‘I enjoy having conversations with people and unpacking issues and ideas. The diversity in the podcast allows us to present a different lens to the current discussion. We will focus on the global south, vulnerable populations and matters pertinent to our modern digitalised world.‘
Alyssa McIntyre, first-year from Australia


‘I was previously familiar with the Willy Brandt School, thanks to the episodes of their podcast that I listened to before I enrolled here myself. It provided me with a different viewpoint, and the way they summed up the current topic in an intellectual style was inspiring. Then after I enrolled in Willy Brandt School, the urge to join the podcast team also emerged in my mind. For me, podcasts are one of the best instruments for learning new information. Hence, I want to assist others in this knowledge-gaining process through the Bulletin podcast by maintaining and developing this medium. Apart from that, I hope to improve my ability to think critically and obtain a broader range of perspectives from other students. Since the students also come from various countries, the issues which will be discussed are also expansive and vibrant. Becoming a member of the committee is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not be passed up.’
Novita Dwi Andari, first-year from Indonesia

~ The views represented in this blog post do not necessarily represent those of the Brandt School. ~