Welcome to the 2023-2024 Brandt Bulletin Blog and Podcast Committees!

Sabrina Zearott
Brandt School Life
Bulletin Podcast Committee

This year, new as well as familiar voices have joined the Bulletin from 16 countries around the world, which is nearly as many places as there are committee members (19)! This is a wonderfully diverse group of enthusiastic students here to learn from each other and from the Brandt School (and its alumni), improve podcasting and/or blogging skills, and more.

The new and returning committee members were asked to share a little about themselves: their names, where they were from, and why they joined the Bulletin committee.

In their own words:

“My main motivation is to learn the craft of translating diverse experiences and current affairs into relatable narratives, fostering inclusivity within our university community and resonating with a broader audience. Join me in exploring the impactful realm of storytelling in the dynamic landscape of public policy.” –María José Quirola, Ecuador, second-year, Podcast Committee

“To learn! Learning never stops …” –Grace Nahurira Mutabazi, Uganda, first-year, Blog and Podcast Committees

Some of our members expressed interest in gaining experience in the podcasting/writing realm(s), from the process/craft to connecting with others:

“To connect to more people, gain blog writing skills, make space for topics I find interesting.” –Neha Singh, Thailand, second-year, Blog Committee

“Wanting [to] get some podcasting experience” –Benjamin Fox, United States, second-year, Podcast Committee

“Writing is my passion and joining the Bulletin committee is an opportunity for me to continue doing what I love.” –Mayamiko Chimbali, Malawi, first-year, Blog Committee

“Personally, I have found podcasts to be one of the best sources for learning. I enjoy listening to them while doing other chores, which has made me realize that I also want to produce and contribute to making podcasts as well. I hope the listeners who tune into the Bulletin Podcast can have the same enjoyable experience.” –Novita Dwi Andari, Indonesia, second-year, Podcast Committee

“To broaden my horizons and break out of my shell.” –Nagi Tanimoto, Japan, first-year, Blog Committee

“Practicing my soft skills in writing and editing” –Patricia María-Fernanda Caparó Beltrán, Peru, second-year, Blog Committee

“I have worked professionally as a writer for over a decade and want to continue to expand my writing and podcasting skills (podcasting is fairly new for me). Additionally, I hope to get involved in the wider projects of the Bulletin with regard to both policy and student life/issues.” –Sabrina Zearott, United States, first-year, Blog and Podcast Committees

“I have been interested in the Bulletin since last year when I started listening to the Podcast and reading the Blog. I decided to join because I want to contribute to the conversation, and bring my point of view to the table, while enhancing my communication skills.” –Loise Effah Yeboah, Ghana, first-year, Podcast Committee

Bulletin Blog Committee

Others were drawn to the Bulletin’s policy emphasis and its use as a platform to connect with alumni and members of the university/the policy field:

“I wanted an opportunity to be able to share our stories, interact with different individuals and experts in various policy fields and learn new skills while at it.” –Tracy Shimoli, Kenya, second-year, Podcast Committee

“I joined the Bulletin because it serves as a space to debate policy ideas and be informed about recent debate topics around the world. It is an important tool to feature students' research and generate discussions among the academic community at Uni Erfurt.” –Nancy Apraez, Colombia, second-year, Blog Committee

“I am involved in the Podcast and Blog because I really value interacting with people to hear their unique perspective on the world. As part of the committee you can choose what interesting topics you want to dive into and you can highlight deserving issues which are often overlooked in other media.” –Alyssa McIntyre, Australia, second-year, Blog and Podcast Committees (Student Assistant Editor)

“I have a genuine curiosity and eagerness to establish stronger connections between alumni and the readership of the Blog. Additionally, there is a desire to foster increased engagement and interaction among alumni, further enhancing the overall experience for everyone involved.” –Su Wai Phyoe, Myanmar, second-year, Blog Committee

“I had been writing for multiple newspapers in Pakistan on range of policy issues. Therefore, I want to continue this practice. Also, I want to enhance my writing abilities to become a good public policy practitioner.” –Uzair Khan, Pakistan, first-year, Blog Committee

“I worked in a youth paper before and it’s interesting to give a voice to young people‘s perspectives. I liked the many different topics that the Bulletin talks about, it being sometimes academic, political or just about own [life] experiences.” –Manuel Mollenhauer, Germany, first-year, Blog and Podcast Committees

“Having crucial conversations [is] pertinent to finding innovative solutions for all micro and macro level world issues. I want to be a part of this creative process and generate healthy debates, learn from my peers, teachers and professionals and create a safe space for dialogues that have lasting impacts.” –Naqsh Nasir, Pakistan, first-year, Podcast Committee

“I wanted to be part of the team that creates and shape[s] some of the interesting conversations that affect us as students and the world around us.” –Idowu Adeyemi, Nigeria, first-year, Podcast Committee

Another motivation was the student focus (topically and in terms of production) of the Bulletin:

“I love that the Bulletin is student driven and I greatly enjoy reading the blog posts of my fellow students. I think it’s great that students at the Brandt School have the opportunity to publish pieces in the Bulletin and it’s exciting to be a part of it.” –Lara Schüth, United States/Germany, second-year, Blog Committee

“Being a member of the Bulletin Blog not only lets me showcase my interests but also those of my peers. It’s a valuable opportunity to refine communication and writing skills while actively engaging in the sharing of information, perspectives and stories with others.” –Aditi Tyagi, India, second-year, Blog Committee

Welcome (and welcome back) to the Bulletin!

Students who are interested in joining the Bulletin (blog and/or podcast) can contact Alyssa McIntyre at alyssa.mcintyre@uni-erfurt.de.

About the Author

Sabrina Zaeott

Sabrina Zearott is a first-year Masters of Public Policy student at the Brandt School. She has worked professionally as a sci-comm and freelance writer and is an award-winning fiction author (under a pen name). She comes from the United States and has an M.A. in communication and a B.A. in social anthropology. Her interests are in climate justice, the energy transition, and climate-change-related migration.

~ The views represented in this blog post do not necessarily represent those of the Brandt School. ~